Tuesday, April 27

Some jerks/bitches are going to talk about me, especially when they envy me. I might as well let them talk because I've did a great job to affected their lives & they didn't affect mine. :) & if you people have something to say, just come straight to me & say it to my face. Stop being a loser & talk behind my back. You people know who you are. Don't let me mention any names here. Well, keep going around to gossip for all you want because those who gossip to you, gossip about you too. Shit people should get the fuck out of my life. Stop acting like you're pretty or handsome. Stop acting like everyone's listening to your bull-shits. Stop acting like you & I are close. Stop wearing that fake mask of yours when you saw me. Stop thinking that I'll get jealous when you hang out with my ex-boyfriends. Stop everything & don't please me, bitch. I felt so disgusted by the way you talk & the way you act. Omfg. I feel like puking whenever people mentioned your big fat name in-front of my face. Gross & disgusting, little worms. Get the fuck out of here, will you? Yes, I'm talking about some bitches & jerks. :) If you think that I'm talking about you, yes & that's you.

If people don't like me for who I am then so what, they aren't worth my time.