Wednesday, April 28

Random post ;

  • Flu & Cough & Headache & Upset Stomach & Body-ache . MC for two days & hope I'll be feeling better & back to work tomorrow. Four more weeks to the deadline. Eeks ~ Chiong chiong & chionggggggggg.

  • Dearesthoney won't be in sin tomorrow. =/ He'll be back on Sunday night. Fcuk ! Yes, malaysia with his family like, again.

  • I wanna go Qianhu Fish Farm again. & I wanna play with the Sap Fish too. Guess what? The Sap Fish is bigger den my hands. Rolf. Felt so itchy when they attacked my legs. >.<

  • They are really getting on my nervous. Stop asking who the fcuk I'm talking about in my previous post. Because, I don't wanna waste my time on telling people what had happened.

  • Gossip are girls's best friends but gossip things that's not true at all, really make me feel like slapping you. Why can't human being just shut the fcuk up when they don't even know what's happening & gave negative comments. & I don't think I need any comments from strangers or people who aren't close to me. Get the fact right first, kiddos. So kindly keep all the negative comments to yourself.

  • Bryan gonna surrender to army on the 4th June. Everyone planning to have a dinner with him before he went in & suffer. Lol ~ Couldn't send him to camp as I'll be away from 1st June - 7th June. ):

  • Will be going prawning with Dearesthoney, Daniel & co next week @ Jurong Bird Park. (: Daniel willing to ride all the way from Sengkang to Jurong just for the sake of prawning. Good Job. :)

  • I'm craving for Sushi early in the morning. Like, wtffff?

  • Needed go rest & wait for Dearesthoney to dismiss from school @ 4pm. & see, it's really a very random post. Rolf !

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