Tuesday, April 6

Hellos :)

Slept at around 7am this morning & woke up at 9am. Am feeling so fucking tired & my eyes bag very heavy. ): Rush to prepare myself & went downstair to meet up with my whole family. Went to Lim Chu Kang to pray(qingming) my grandparents & I've got myself sun-burn. Rolf. Too rush & I've forgotten to apply sun-block. Smart me. After all the praying, headed down to D Kranji Farm Resort for lunch. I don't know what's that restaurant called but the foods there was pretty nice. I like it very much. => Lunch done & Daddy wanna go see his old friends so everyone acc-ed him. It's located at Lim Chu Kang, DragonFruit Farm. Okay, everyone was fucking busy chilling out, feeding the fishes, playing the swings, taking pictures & fooling around. That's our playground whenever we went praying. Hahaha. :)

Head-ed home after everything was done. :) Daddy have an appointment at hospital at 330pm, so ifen & Moi send him down. Reach home, bathed & accompany Fran to return Jinhua's car at Jurong East along with Brother. Cab-ed down to IMM as Brother wanna get a hard-disk & we shop around at Daiso. Bought alot of things from Daiso. :) Aftermath, cab-ed home & went up to Fran's house as Brother wanna cut his hair. Alright, I'm back home already. My eyes gonna close while blogging. Yawns ~ But I can't sleep, as I'll be meeting Dearesthoney later after his dinner. Think I shall lie down on my bed now & at least rest my eyes for a 15 mins. Hopefully, I won't fall asleep laaa.

I've tons of pictures to upload, but have to wait for ifen to send me all. :)

- Be right back .