Saturday, April 17

  • Awoke very early at 6am this morning.
  • Went breakfast with Mommy & Zann.
  • Help Brother to pack his room because his new bed & table arrived this afternoon.
  • Ivan helped to remove the air-con in my room & I'm so happy. :)
  • Val came over in the afternoon for awhile.
  • Meet up with Hui & Serene for awhile to pass them stuffs.
  • Tay, SisterC & Sen came over to meet me too. :)
  • Home sweet home now.

I've so much to say, but I don't know where to start. I've no problem in relationship as Dearesthoney always treated me like a little princess. I always have problems when it comes to friendship. I wanna know who's actually true & faithful & who's actually treat me like a big fool. I've no idea why I'm thinking about all this. Eh, maybe I'm too tired & have nothing better to do. Haha. Come on, I'm not being emo or whatsoever la. So far, Xj is the only one who stay with me so dearly & she's always there whenever I'm upset. She's forever crazy & never take things very seriously from the first day I knew her. But, she still able to cheer me up. =) I'm contened with the people in my life. Friends come & go & I don't ask much from a friend too.

I've be used by some friends which I knew for years. I keep quite doesn't mean I don't know any single shit you guys have done. Call me when you're in need of cash? Call me when you're having some problems in your relationship? Call me when you've no place to go? Call me when nobody asked you out? Like, helloooo ! I'm a human being & I've feeling too. I know as a friend, I shouldn't complaint so much, but ask yourself first. Did you treat me as a friend or as a fool? Stfu before you answer me. & didn't contact or meet up for only a few months means, I'm not treating you as a friend? Lmao, please. You guys totally have a peanut brain with childish thinking. Get a life, will you? Let me tell you guys, I can live even better without you people in my life. Shoo ~ Not to worry, even if I see you people on the street, I won't go over & say ' hi '. I'll just treat you people like strangers. Ignored & walk away. (: Trust me, I will do that.


I miss Honeyhoney/Dearesthoney/ Sillyhoney/ Uglyhoney