Thursday, April 8

I'm fucking pissed off by some immature retared fuckers at this hour. Thank to you. Didn't contact or meet you up for only a few months, doesn't mean I don't care or bother about you. You still stand some space in my heart. & I believed there's someone close to me, bitch about me in-front of you. Good job to that bitch. Clap hands. Scold me whatever shit you want, I don't be bothered anymore & we totally can't communicate. You're no longer in my facebook list or my msn list. You lived for yourself so am I. Why shall I bother about people from my past, right? Eight years of friendship & we ain't strong enough. Harsh words coming out from your smelly mouth & all the little action you do, just want to make my life difficult. Great job. Congrats to you, because you've already completed your mission. So time for you to fuck off from my life. I've a lovely boyfriend, doesn't mean I don't remember any of my friends. Well, no point saying so much now. I've enough of you people. Simply, get out of my life & I'm contended. :) I'll thanks you for a million times, if you don't appear in my life anymore. Please, just leave me alone. Oh well, & for that bitch, please watch what you said. If you want all the friends by yourself, go ahead. I never & won't steal any single one from you, so not to worried too much. I really had enough & I'm really very sick & tired of people like them. & I'm contended to have some nice friends by my side all this while. Lovelove. Hehehehe. Umm, shall not bother about them anymore. Goodbye.

Don't bother about people from my past, there's a reason why they didn't make it to my future.

Edited @ 11.45pm

Hellooooooos ~

Dearesthoney went malaysia again for work & back at around 7pm. His uncle send him straight back home aftermath. So he no need to go back to his dad's place. :) Nobody's at home so Dearesthoney came over to my house first. Bathed & rest for awhile, & he went home as his dad is back home. Dearesthoney came over to my place again at around 9pm. Prepared & went downstair to meet up with Roger. Roger drove us over to Zhenhui's house area for chit-chatting session. Raymond called, wanting to meet up with Roger so we dismissed early tonight. :)

I've a good talked with Allan, Dan & Sen early in the morning. Told them about all the fucked up shit that have happened in my life. Well, I'm feeling so much better. :) Hehehes. Friends come & go, isn't it? So just chill & smile with my big teeth. =D Life's short, so I hope I won't regret all the decision that I've made. Alright, stop emo-ing la, Yunnies. Gonna watch 'Down with Love' now. :)

Goodgood night.