Thursday, April 15

Don't worry about me or what I do. Whatever things that happened in my life has nothing to do with you. So keep your bloody hell mouth shut & stop talking about all the shit things, because I'm sick & tired of you bitching & fuck all your bullshit.

Be yourself no matter what because you don't want people to remember you for something you're not.

On sad note;
  • Dearesthoney will be going to malaysia with his family tomorrow for a three days two nights trip. & well, I'll be alone in singapore. ):
  • I still can't get my ass off the house. ):

On happy notes;
  • Craving for steamboat yesterday night & Dearesthoney bring me to Chinese Garden Steamboat for late dinner. Loveyou, Babylove.
  • Dearesthoney & I will be going to Qian Hu Fish Farm to get some goldfishes once he touched down in sinapore on Sunday evening.
  • I'll be meeting a few good friends of mine on this coming weekend to catch up with them.
  • Xy called & asked me to work in his friend's company at Jurong Port. Geart, there's wasn't any interview. (: It's just a two months job but if I like that job, can request for full time.
  • Brother willing to pay half price for my new computer. *As my computer was dead for months*

I'm a suuuuper happy little girl today (:(:(:(: