Friday, April 30

Woke up @ 730am & went to prepared myself. Dearesthoney was being so sweet to wake up early & send me to work. I'm feeling so much better, so went back to work. But, flu & headache was still with me for the whole day. Today, knocked off; Nick & I've done something stupid & silly. Not gonna mention anything here as you people sure laugh until all your teeth drop off. Lol ~ I can't stop laughing & curse & swear when it happened. Big joke of the day. Fcuk it. It's friday night & I'm staying at home. Rolf. Good girl. :) Feeling so tired right now, I'm heading to bed soon. Good-nights.

Readers, don't forget to click on the 'nuffnang' for me if you see any advertisement.
Thank you!


Wednesday, April 28

Random post ;

  • Flu & Cough & Headache & Upset Stomach & Body-ache . MC for two days & hope I'll be feeling better & back to work tomorrow. Four more weeks to the deadline. Eeks ~ Chiong chiong & chionggggggggg.

  • Dearesthoney won't be in sin tomorrow. =/ He'll be back on Sunday night. Fcuk ! Yes, malaysia with his family like, again.

  • I wanna go Qianhu Fish Farm again. & I wanna play with the Sap Fish too. Guess what? The Sap Fish is bigger den my hands. Rolf. Felt so itchy when they attacked my legs. >.<

  • They are really getting on my nervous. Stop asking who the fcuk I'm talking about in my previous post. Because, I don't wanna waste my time on telling people what had happened.

  • Gossip are girls's best friends but gossip things that's not true at all, really make me feel like slapping you. Why can't human being just shut the fcuk up when they don't even know what's happening & gave negative comments. & I don't think I need any comments from strangers or people who aren't close to me. Get the fact right first, kiddos. So kindly keep all the negative comments to yourself.

  • Bryan gonna surrender to army on the 4th June. Everyone planning to have a dinner with him before he went in & suffer. Lol ~ Couldn't send him to camp as I'll be away from 1st June - 7th June. ):

  • Will be going prawning with Dearesthoney, Daniel & co next week @ Jurong Bird Park. (: Daniel willing to ride all the way from Sengkang to Jurong just for the sake of prawning. Good Job. :)

  • I'm craving for Sushi early in the morning. Like, wtffff?

  • Needed go rest & wait for Dearesthoney to dismiss from school @ 4pm. & see, it's really a very random post. Rolf !

  • Readers, kindly help me by clicking on the nuffnang advertisements (if you see any). Thank you . :)

Tuesday, April 27

Some jerks/bitches are going to talk about me, especially when they envy me. I might as well let them talk because I've did a great job to affected their lives & they didn't affect mine. :) & if you people have something to say, just come straight to me & say it to my face. Stop being a loser & talk behind my back. You people know who you are. Don't let me mention any names here. Well, keep going around to gossip for all you want because those who gossip to you, gossip about you too. Shit people should get the fuck out of my life. Stop acting like you're pretty or handsome. Stop acting like everyone's listening to your bull-shits. Stop acting like you & I are close. Stop wearing that fake mask of yours when you saw me. Stop thinking that I'll get jealous when you hang out with my ex-boyfriends. Stop everything & don't please me, bitch. I felt so disgusted by the way you talk & the way you act. Omfg. I feel like puking whenever people mentioned your big fat name in-front of my face. Gross & disgusting, little worms. Get the fuck out of here, will you? Yes, I'm talking about some bitches & jerks. :) If you think that I'm talking about you, yes & that's you.

If people don't like me for who I am then so what, they aren't worth my time.

Monday, April 26

Roger's 22th birthday present from us.
Awaiting for it to arrive next week from London.

Thanks, Eugene for the hard work. :)
Really appreciate it very much.

Sunday, April 25

Rest In Peace

Saturday, April 24

The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be.

- They aren't worth my time

Thursday, April 22

  • Woke up at 7am .
  • Walked to Lakeside with Nick .
  • Train-ed down to work .
  • Skipped breakfast .
  • Mac for lunch with Winnie & Co .
  • Rushed projects like mad dog .
  • Raining like cats & dogs when I'm gonna knock off .
  • Took bus back to Jurong .
  • Meet Dearesthoney for dinner .
  • Home sweet home .

Wednesday, April 21


19th April 2010

First day of work. :) Everything went so smoothing & people there are nice & friendly. Our manager is a young malay guy at the age of 26 & he's a big joker. :) Well, it's a admin job la. So start work at 830am & knock off at 530pm. First day of cause relax la. We slack in the office for 2 hours siol. Hahaha. Boss hire us just to sit there & get pay. :x After work, Dearesthoney came over to fetch me. :) Reach home, changed & we head down to Qian Hu Fish Farm but it's CLOSED at 6pm. Wasted our time to travel down. Eeks ~ Never mind. Was not feeling well half way during work so Dearesthoney bring me to the clinic & guess what? Doctor actually gave me a TWO DAYS MC. =/ Wtf! But well, I've rejected & went to work the next day. :) Alright, back to the topic la. Dearesthoney & I wanting to get goldfish from Qian Hu Fish Farm but since it's closed at 6pm. So we went to market to buy goldfish. We bought three home & intended to get two more from Qian Hu. Guess, will be heading there on this coming weekend. :)

20th April 2010
Happy Birthday, Roger !

Work & home. Rushing the project like some mad dog along with Nick, Sean & Taufiq. =/ Tired! Sean was posted to Jurong with Gy. Rolf. Dearesthoney came to fetch me home after school. So sweet of him. :) Slept at 9pm as I'm too tired.

21th April 2010

Happy Birthday, Zhiyang !

Woke up at 7am & prepared myself. Meet Nick at my house downstair. Walked to Lakeside MRT. Train-ed to work. Too many stuffs to be done. =/ Taufiq actually want us to work till 9pm but last min, no need. HAHAHAHAHA! Dearesthoney's not free so Nick & I took bus home. Kinda tired & sleepy already. I shall skip my dinner & sleep. Gonna chiong the bloody project tomorrow again. Eeeeeeeks ~

Happy 6, Dearesthoneyhoney.
Thanks for being so sweet & nice to me. :)
Thanks for everything that you've done for me. :)
You're just sooo lovely & sweet.

Sunday, April 18

Being a bitch means I won't compromise what's in my heart.
It means, I live my life my way & I won't allow anyone to step on me.

Don't believe some of your friends when they ask you to be honest with them.
All they really want is to be maintained in the good opinion they have of themselves.

Honeyhoney will be back to Singapore tonight . :)

  • Forgiveness is the release of all hope for a better past.

Saturday, April 17

  • Awoke very early at 6am this morning.
  • Went breakfast with Mommy & Zann.
  • Help Brother to pack his room because his new bed & table arrived this afternoon.
  • Ivan helped to remove the air-con in my room & I'm so happy. :)
  • Val came over in the afternoon for awhile.
  • Meet up with Hui & Serene for awhile to pass them stuffs.
  • Tay, SisterC & Sen came over to meet me too. :)
  • Home sweet home now.

I've so much to say, but I don't know where to start. I've no problem in relationship as Dearesthoney always treated me like a little princess. I always have problems when it comes to friendship. I wanna know who's actually true & faithful & who's actually treat me like a big fool. I've no idea why I'm thinking about all this. Eh, maybe I'm too tired & have nothing better to do. Haha. Come on, I'm not being emo or whatsoever la. So far, Xj is the only one who stay with me so dearly & she's always there whenever I'm upset. She's forever crazy & never take things very seriously from the first day I knew her. But, she still able to cheer me up. =) I'm contened with the people in my life. Friends come & go & I don't ask much from a friend too.

I've be used by some friends which I knew for years. I keep quite doesn't mean I don't know any single shit you guys have done. Call me when you're in need of cash? Call me when you're having some problems in your relationship? Call me when you've no place to go? Call me when nobody asked you out? Like, helloooo ! I'm a human being & I've feeling too. I know as a friend, I shouldn't complaint so much, but ask yourself first. Did you treat me as a friend or as a fool? Stfu before you answer me. & didn't contact or meet up for only a few months means, I'm not treating you as a friend? Lmao, please. You guys totally have a peanut brain with childish thinking. Get a life, will you? Let me tell you guys, I can live even better without you people in my life. Shoo ~ Not to worry, even if I see you people on the street, I won't go over & say ' hi '. I'll just treat you people like strangers. Ignored & walk away. (: Trust me, I will do that.


I miss Honeyhoney/Dearesthoney/ Sillyhoney/ Uglyhoney

Friday, April 16

Before I sleep & after I wake up & all the hours in between, you occupy my mind.
So, practically every moment of the day you are in my thoughts.
I miss you, Dearesthoney.

Thursday, April 15

Don't worry about me or what I do. Whatever things that happened in my life has nothing to do with you. So keep your bloody hell mouth shut & stop talking about all the shit things, because I'm sick & tired of you bitching & fuck all your bullshit.

Be yourself no matter what because you don't want people to remember you for something you're not.

On sad note;
  • Dearesthoney will be going to malaysia with his family tomorrow for a three days two nights trip. & well, I'll be alone in singapore. ):
  • I still can't get my ass off the house. ):

On happy notes;
  • Craving for steamboat yesterday night & Dearesthoney bring me to Chinese Garden Steamboat for late dinner. Loveyou, Babylove.
  • Dearesthoney & I will be going to Qian Hu Fish Farm to get some goldfishes once he touched down in sinapore on Sunday evening.
  • I'll be meeting a few good friends of mine on this coming weekend to catch up with them.
  • Xy called & asked me to work in his friend's company at Jurong Port. Geart, there's wasn't any interview. (: It's just a two months job but if I like that job, can request for full time.
  • Brother willing to pay half price for my new computer. *As my computer was dead for months*

I'm a suuuuper happy little girl today (:(:(:(:

Wednesday, April 14

You are my shinning star & I know you will never fade.
You will be my light to help me read my map of happiness!

Tuesday, April 13

Happy Birthday, April !

Happy Birthday, Calvin !

Happy Birthday, Peipei !

I'm in deep deep love with Hotel City. No more chiong-ing Cafe World. :) Two more days & Dearesthoney will be leaving. Eeks~ Seriously, I hate the feeling of missing someone so dearly. I'll be alone for three days two nights. Fuck man. Never mind, while Dearesthoney's away, I'll need to spend sometime with my friends. Time for me to catch up with some of them already. (: Hehehe ~ Raining like cats & dogs now. & good job, I just woke up. Hehehehe. Wonder can I fall asleep tonight anot. & hope the rain won't stop. ((: Oh fuck it, I shouldn't waste my time anymore. Goodbye.

Sunday, April 11

Hellos :)

I've tons of pictures to upload. So, I shall first start with my day & follow up with pictures.

Was watching Down with love from yesterday night till this morning. Mommy bought breakfast for me & I went to bed at around 3pm. Sister & Brother-in-law came home this afternoon & was talking so loudly, unable to rest or sleep well. ): So woke up & talk to Sister for awhile & went back to bed. Awoke at arounf 6pm. Dearesthoney came over at around 8pm after work. Meeting Roger & Zhenhui at 830pm but well, me & Dearesthoney was a little late so Roger came down to fetch us. Off-ed to Jurong Point for dinner at New York New York. We can't finish all the foods & all of us felt bloated. Smoked & wait for Raymond to arrive & went over to Coffee Bean for a chit-chatting session. With Raymond around, there's so much jokes & laughers. Hahaha. Smoked one last stick before heading for movie. Watched 'Clash of the Titans' & it rate 8.5/10. At the ending of the movie, kinda felt disappointed. Hahaha. Never mind la. =) Toilet break & went 24 hours Ntuc for shopping & Roger send us back home. Reach-ed home around 230am. Alright. I'm going remove make-up & bath. Aftermath, I'm gonna chiong Down with love. Dearesthoney just left my house. Poor boy today no driving so have to walked two bus stop home.

Shall let the pictures do all the talking. :)

That's the end . :)
Don't forget to click on my 'nuffnang ads' for me. Lovelove.