Wednesday, June 9

-via iPod
: I'm sorry if there's alot of typo/error.


I've stopped all the cursing & swearing already because I don't wanna waste my time on shit people & they aren't worth my time too. (: now, am gonna shut my mouth up & move on with my life, alright. & I believe, people's tired of me nagging & making noise. Lol. Okay, whatever it is now.

Today, I woke up pretty early & went library with Dearest & Sister. Borrowed two books from the library & intend to do/learn something new. (: Lol! After that, felt hungry & at the same time, lao niang craving for sushi so headed down to Jurong West for sushi. Thanks sister for the nice treat. Their services suck big time today. They serviced the wrong drinks & dishes two times. Thumb down for them today. Send Zann & Chloe to tuition at Mrs Lin's place & went prawning. Paid $90 & catch less den 20 prawns. Mad! No light at the good spot too. Okay, I shouldn't complain so much now.

On the happier note : lao niang wo is learning malaya from Dearest. Lol. I laugh so loud/hard whenever Dearest speaks malaya to me. I'm abit crazy lah. Ignore me, please.

Bored. Bored. Bored.

I'm bored. I hate my lazy bones. They stopped me from looking for a new jobs. ):
*yes, am pushing the blame to my bones. =x *

Ipoh next month with siblings. (:

Readers, click on the nuffnang ads for me. :) Thank you.