Monday, June 28

I think she don't understand simple English.

Tsk tsk tsk .

Miss Joey Tan,
Please grow up & get a life lah. I don't like your slutty face & don't provoke me. I've nothing against you so don't let me be mean to you this time. & I don't wish to waste my precious time on you too lah. You've got your own life den why must bother about mine? You laughed the loudest when you knew about all the things that had happened. You can be with whoever you want because is none of my business. You started the game & you shall end it yourself. I'm sick & tired of all the childish games that you've played. I don't have the time to waste on people like you. & get the fact right before pointing your dirty little fingers at me, bitch. If you wanna know every little things about me, ask me. Why go around & ask. Waste time, isn't it? Tsk, buay tahan you lah. =| & I don't like your ugly name so I hope it won't appear in my life anymore. Tsk, no comments on you anymore. *Puke* Don't like, don't read. Shoo ~

I'm going out now.

: Please click on the nuffnang ad for me. Thank you.