Tuesday, June 8

-via iPod


Fall asleep this morning at around 6am & woke up by Nick calls at 11am. Paranoid. Baby & I went over to Sister's house for a hair cut & color. :) Now, my hair look so much better & shorter along with blue & green highlights. Laughs. Headed home after that & Baby's not feeling well so fall asleep beside me. Poor boy. ): Ipoh next month again? Shall I or shall I not ? Have to see my mood lah. Moi was planning to take plane this time because 9 hours journey can kill us. Hahaha. Okay, I'm just too bored. Next, am gonna type something long & am such a bitch, cursing & swearing away the whole day. =)


Dude, this is for you & I know you'll read this & you know who you are.

If you're not happy with what I've posted, just get off from my page.
People tend to push all the blame to the innocent parties. They act in front of the boss & carry boss's balls. Why waste so much time on doing this? As if the boss will raise your pay & praise you? Don't use your brain & think, at least use your balls & think lah. We do as you said & now, you don't admit it & push all the faults on us. Hellooo, we work for a living like you too. Why must make things so difficult for us? Since we already NOT working there anymore den why still show us your shit attitude through msgs & calls? && Of cause lah, we not working there already, that's why you people pushed the blame on us what. So boss won't fuck you all up side down what. Okay, just tell me what you've gain after carrying your boss's balls? Gain nothing & he won't praise or raise your pay so why are you wasting so much time acting in front of the boss? Seriously, I don't understand why you're doing this to us when we've nothing against each other. A bunch of brainless jerks living in their own & selfish world. Fcuk it, understand? Don't try to mess with us because we aren't as simple as you think. & don't assume anything that you're unsure. Don't know or not sure, open your big mouth & ask lah. Just because I'm away for this one week & he returned my pass which I didn't know about it, so you assumed that I'm no longer working. Good job & a big clap for you. _|_ I admit that you're nice at times, but your attitude brings you down to hell most of the time. Actually, I've nothing against you, I just don't like the way you throw your anger at us early in the morning. Turned off, seriously. Nobody can't stand your attitude if you don't change. I believe that people used to work with you resign because of your shit & fcuked up attitude. Dude, change your attitude & be a better man. Well, am still glad to know you & gossip with you about that person. & this will be my last post for you. :) GoodBye !

Just agree that I'm a bitch, alright?