Wednesday, May 26

Hellooo ~

Feeling so much better right now. :) No more fever but cough & flu getting worst. ): I'm on MC today too. Don't wanna spread to anyone in the office. Hahaha. Gonna rest well & drink more water today.

Daddy lost his wallet this morning at some coffee shop near his work place this morning. With $300, ezlink & IC inside. =/ *curse & swear*. So Daddy rush back home & we make a trip down to police station to make a report with Bro along. Mommy was like making noise too. Hahaha. Daddy's so careless. Rolf.

I'm gonna take a nap after medicine. Be right back -

Edited @ 9.15pm

Tot I'm recovering but now, I'm having fever at 38.2 degree. Fml. Worst still, I'm coughing non-stop. Mommy was so worried & rush into my room & bring me to Dr. Lee. 4 medicine & it cost $50. ): Like, omggggg. I'm going holiday next week leh. Eeks. I need a good good rest. (:

Happy Birthday, Jinling !

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