Monday, May 31

Hellooo !

Dearest's back to sin yesterday & we went prawning in the night. :) Half way, laoniang wo not feeling well & back home to had my medicine. Chit chat with Dearest on the phone for awhile & hangover. & now, I'm still having bad flu & cough. Tsk ! What's wrong with me? I'm sick for 9 fucking days already yet haven even recover. Fml. What worst was, I'm going holiday tomorrow. Tsk tsk tsk ! Kill me pleaseeeeeee.

Alright alright. I'll leaving tomorrow morning. This time round, I'll be away for one/two weeks. Well, still not confirm when I'll be back. It's all depend on my sister's mood lah. Dearest can't join me because he got exam & I'm gonna miss him ttm. ): Hopefully, he can join me after his exam. =x Hehehe. *hinthint* Eeks, I haven even pack my bag leh. Lazy ! =x Okay, I'm just bored.

Oh yeah ~ there's this big loser blocked me in facebook. Good job. Don't think I don't know anything about you. Block me? Must as well delete me away, right? Why waste so much of your time on blocking me? & I know you've been reading my blog & whatsoever that I've posted in facebook. So what? You aren't worth my time at all. Read for all you want because sooner or later, you won't have the chance to read it anymore. Hahahahahaha. I can't stand loser like you & you. Oops. I don't give a fcuk to either one of you. I've much more precious things to do. So goodbye, big losers.

Happy Birthday, Kalyn !