Thursday, May 15

Oh Man

Wake up super late today & now i can't sleep lohh. I'm at home whole day. I'm a good girl for today. Ha (:

Well, Baby is sleeping right now. Look at the time, was like what-the-fuck. Its already so late yet I'm still awake loh. I'm felt so hungry & Jiamin is being so sweet to go down to buy supper for me & come all the wayyyy to my house at this freaking hour. She's so sweet can. lOL. Slack, watch tv, smoke & chit-chat with her was so much fun. We talked about the past & bad mouth about somebody. How bad can, but i'm just loving it. Slack & chit chat till 4am+ den she went to meet up with her friends while i'm alone in the living room watching tv. I was so bored can.

I wanna sleep but my eyes just can't close. Or when my eyes close, i keep thinking about tons of stuff. Roars. I think i need some sleeping pills lahhh. Or can anyone willing to sing me song so i can have a beauty sleep. Haha. I'm dead bored okies. Can anyone called me at this freaking hours to chat with me on the phone? lOL.

Well well well, i'm gonna watch spongebob right now.
Goodnight People. ((: