Friday, May 16


Friends come & go. Some friends are worth to keep & some friends can totally fuck off from my life. I did my part as a goody friend or maybe a best friend but you just ignore every single thing. You said thing that hurt whenever i meet you up. So many years of friendship, i treasure. Yet you? Did you really put in the effect to hold onto this friendship of ours? Every little words you said kept running through my mind. At times, I'm so sick & tired of seeing you & listening to your fucking bull-shit. If i really don't give a fuck to you, i won't really go & bother about what you had said whenever we meet or drop any single tears for you. If you think I'm still not a good friend den forget about it. I know i did my part & i did cherish you in my life. Letting you go will hurt both of us but holding on to it will only hurt me. I hope you understand why out of sudden i treat you this way. I'm so down. Perhaps, I'm not a good friend or a good sister. I shall not think much about it anymore. What's past already past. You can choose whatever kind of friends you like. Byeeee.

Noon, went to library with Fran & i borrow three books about cat. Aftermath, head back to Fran's house to cut hair, do mask & watch tv. Rush home & change & head down to Sen's house down stair to meet up with LY peeps as they got training today. (: Training end at about 10pm+ & everyone went back to Sen's house to bath, change & play with Zinc&Sen's new puppy. About 12am+ we took bus down to Toh Guan to have our late dinner. Everyone was like a hungry ghost can. Stephan came along after awhile. Slack & chit chat at the coffee shop for awhile & Sen, Zinc & William went back home. So Baby, Boonie, Stephan, Yihong, Hongwei, Hongzhan, Shimin, Edwin & me went to slack at the usual place. Have so much fun being with them. The laughter will never stop when I'm being with them. lOL. Till then, Baby, Hongwei & me head back home first as we're super tired & bored. Tomorrow need wake up early as we plan to visit Joker. He's feeling so much better. ((: Good for him & hope he recover faster. ((:

I'm gonna bed now. I'm so fucking tired can.
Goodnight ((: