Monday, May 19


Last night, I hang out till morning along with Max, Ming & Allan. Allan drive down last min to meet us up. Max & Ming went home at about 3am+ so left me & Allan. We slack & chat tons of stuff till 4am+ & going 5am man. I hope both of you feel much better after drinking & talked things out. Actually I already very tired but what to do. Friends mah. lOL. As i said, there's tons of girls up there so no worried. ((: Ring me up when you need a listening ears. Cheerup friends.

Meet up with MYF at about 4pm+ to slack & chit chat at my house down stair. That's life man. lOL. I woke up super late so we only meet up for awhile. Everyone head back home at about 5.30pm. & Baby help me draw spongebob man. So sweet of him. Roars. I'm so loving him lahh. Haha, Baby, you know i love you so muchhhh right. & I swear i love that spongebob.

Baby ♥

Alright. I'm gonna watch TV now. Bye !~

I'm sorry for the harsh word I've said. But i really do hope that you can fuck off from my life now & forever. Yes Bitch, i don't wish to see you in my life. I hate you. Yes, I really do. Please fuck off. I'm so fucking sick & tired of seeing you or heard your fucking cb name. You got a ugly name. FUCK-OFF-PLEASE!!!!