Friday, May 30

Baby took half day & he reach my place at about 12 noon. Was playing Mini Board game with Baby & I win him as he said he's pro. ((: *proud* && I'm the black & he's the white want. lOL. Baby, try harder next time. (:

Night, meet up with Boon, Hongwei & Yihong for pool at CSC. The air-con there like no need money want loh. Fcuking cold can. lOL. Aftermath, smoke & went back home. I'm so tired can.

Lolo send this video to me.
After watching it, i feel like killing that fcuking bitch.
Everyone, please watch.
I really hope you die tomorrow. FUCK BITCH.
You're from china yet said all this fuck-shit.

Wednesday, May 28

Happy Birthday To HongWei !

You're getting older. (:
May your wishes all come true.
& best in everything you do.
Don't stress over your studies.
As long as you did study, you will do better for your up coming N's
Never ever give up on anything you achieve.
Be satisfied & believing in working hard to achieve what you want.
Life is not easy, so try harder (:
Train hard for LingYing !
Take lots of care.

Meow; Ming's Cat

Pangpang; My Cat

Tuesday, May 27

One years 1 month Anni♥ersary !

Baby, Thanks for everything
You did your part as a sweetest boyf
Treating me like a little princess of yours
Being there whenever i need
Hug me when I'm feeling so down or cold
Lend me a shoulder to cry on
Cheer me up with your silly-ness & stupid-ness
You're my soul,
Without you, I'm nothing
I'm so lost without you by my side.
I promise to walk down the long road with you.
There's so much ups & downs in our relationship;
But you never fail to hold on to it.
Thank God, he send me you. (:
3 Words, 8 Letters, 1 Meaning

&& Sis's wedding coming.
I still don't know what to wear. God !~
& Ah-di army letter is here.
I believe Mom will cry like mad again.
&&& Omg, Watch this.
Fen send this to me.
Was like, WTF can !!!!
I nearly fainted. Poor baby.

Monday, May 26

Once In My Lifetime ;

My Forever L0ve !

I promise you my love
I promise you my heart
I promise you my life
I promise we'll never be apart

I promise not to hurt you
I promise to never make you cry
I promise to always trust you
I promise not to lie

I promise you forever
I promise you tonight
I promise you my respect
I promise to do things right

I promise to always be there
I promise until the end
I promise to always love you
I promise to be your lover everynight

I promise you my love
I promise you my life
I promise this forever
I promise our LOVE is my life

Part Of My Life !

As a friend I do wish you
The best of life's blessings
And freedom from sickness and pain.
May your prayers and oblations,
As blooms of carnations,
Flourish in sunshine and rain.

May the blessings of heaven
Be showered upon you
With favor from God and from man.
May you harvest with pleasure
The fruits of your labor
To share with whoever you can.

May the dew in the morning
Refresh and delight you,
And your days be filled with great peace.
May your nights without number
Be filled with sweet slumber;
Your dreams filled with hope ne'er cease.

May your mate and your family
Bequeathed and beloved
Be cherished as jewels set in gold.
May your joy blend with laughter,
Both now and hereafter,
As the days of your life unfold

Saturday, May 24


Spongebob is my forever lo♥e. ((:
Baby is done with the drawing of my Spongebob & Patrick.
Thanks Baby. I ♥ You !
Maymay gone crazy when she saw the Patrick.
May, Gim said he will help you draw one when free. lOL.

SpnongeBob (:

Patrick (:
SpongeBob & Patrick (((:

Bbq was cancel last min.So MYF decided to go taman jurong for prawn-ing & pool.We only catch four prawn. How sad can.Felt so tired & no mood man.Aftermath, head down to Roger's house for mahjong.Back home at 4am +

The Ah-Bengs !

♥ MYF ♥


Happy 18th Birthday To Chan WeiJie !

I'm super tired.
Night Everyone. ((:

Wednesday, May 21

You're Once My Friend

It's too late to apologize because I totally forget that you're once my friend. Stop acting innocent in front of me or others because I see your true colours. You're once my best friend or rather my best sister. I share every parts of happiness & sadness with you & went thru so much ups & downs. I'm always being there whenever you need. Giving you advice & a shouder to cry on when life's tragedies came your way. I put in so much effect in this friendship yet you didn't treasure. I tried my best to hold onto it whenever problems comes between us. I tired yet I failed. Perhaps, I don't know how to be a good friend to you. I hope you take good care of yourself. I'm sorry if I'm being selfish & letting go of this friendship for so many years. I'm tired with whatever shit you've done. Take lots of care & thanks for being my best friend once in my life.

For you
How can I write the words to tell you how I feel?
To me you are my friend for life,
I want you to know what it means to me.
To tell you that I love you
Is such a simple thing to say.
As I speak these words I truly feel this way
From the bottom of my heart.
To give you my soul and heart,
Is sometimes all I have to offer.
With it I give you y trust, my loyalty and my tenderness.
As I love you, I can feel your pain your fear and sorrow.
And when you are happy and life is good to you,
I feel such happiness in my heart.
Oh, but when you are sad it breaks my heart,
For your sorrow is my sorrow.
You make my life seem more complete,
And make life more fullfilled.
Please remember I love you,
For it we shall end this friendship.

Yes, I still love you.

Tuesday, May 20

The Key To My Heart

It is the key that you hold
That will unlock my heart
Treasure my love for you
Inside a heart-shaped box.

Always keep this box near
Keep it close in your sight
It will bring you happiness
Whenever you hold it tight.

It won’t play you a melody
But to your heart it’ll sing
It holds my love deep inside
Of this small precious thing.

Only you will hold this key
Never lose sight of this box
Unlock it when you need to
It holds the love of my heart.

Monday, May 19


Last night, I hang out till morning along with Max, Ming & Allan. Allan drive down last min to meet us up. Max & Ming went home at about 3am+ so left me & Allan. We slack & chat tons of stuff till 4am+ & going 5am man. I hope both of you feel much better after drinking & talked things out. Actually I already very tired but what to do. Friends mah. lOL. As i said, there's tons of girls up there so no worried. ((: Ring me up when you need a listening ears. Cheerup friends.

Meet up with MYF at about 4pm+ to slack & chit chat at my house down stair. That's life man. lOL. I woke up super late so we only meet up for awhile. Everyone head back home at about 5.30pm. & Baby help me draw spongebob man. So sweet of him. Roars. I'm so loving him lahh. Haha, Baby, you know i love you so muchhhh right. & I swear i love that spongebob.

Baby ♥

Alright. I'm gonna watch TV now. Bye !~

I'm sorry for the harsh word I've said. But i really do hope that you can fuck off from my life now & forever. Yes Bitch, i don't wish to see you in my life. I hate you. Yes, I really do. Please fuck off. I'm so fucking sick & tired of seeing you or heard your fucking cb name. You got a ugly name. FUCK-OFF-PLEASE!!!!

Sunday, May 18


Well maybe now I should just say goodbye
You used to be my friend
But I never felt I really was yours
So maybe this is the end.
I'm different from you, all of you
Each other we've never understood
I hope that if I do tell you goodbye
That it won't be for good.
Whenever I'm mad it hurts me so bad
And you don't even careI don't know why, I just want to cry
And someday I won't be there.
The streaks on my arm they've done me no harm
They're only made of pen
But once they are blood that turns brown like mud
They'll be there again and again.
If I'm mad at you I'll hurt myself too
But that doesn't really matter
Although when I hurt I feel like dirt
And my spirit's bruised and battered.
I do not know why it has to be soI really wish it did not
But the way this has been goingit is basically shot.
You don't need me and we don't need we
And that's how I think I know why
These words are the ones I have to speak-
I love you, but goodbye.

Little Note For Ming & Allan ;
I know how both of you feel. R/s is always so selfish. But, please cheer up. Move on with your life. You both gonna find a better girl. No matter what, friends are always there for you. I'm always a call away. Anything, ring me up & talk. Don't do silly thing. Being drunk won't made both of you forget everything. There's so many girls up there for you. I'm sorry if my words harsh but its for your own good. Move on & let them know that you can live without them. I'm always there, 24/7 never fail. :)

Saturday, May 17

Happy Birthday Friends

Happy 19th Birthday To SianRui !
Please get well soon. ((: & meet up when you book out.

Happy 2oth Birthday To Kevin !
I'm looking forward to meet you up. Its had been 62598545 years since we meet up.
I hope you're doing pretty good in your life. Take good care when you're in camp.

Happy 2oth Birthday To JunJie !
You're a jerk. Ha, take great care lah.
Hope you die faster. ((:

Friday, May 16


Friends come & go. Some friends are worth to keep & some friends can totally fuck off from my life. I did my part as a goody friend or maybe a best friend but you just ignore every single thing. You said thing that hurt whenever i meet you up. So many years of friendship, i treasure. Yet you? Did you really put in the effect to hold onto this friendship of ours? Every little words you said kept running through my mind. At times, I'm so sick & tired of seeing you & listening to your fucking bull-shit. If i really don't give a fuck to you, i won't really go & bother about what you had said whenever we meet or drop any single tears for you. If you think I'm still not a good friend den forget about it. I know i did my part & i did cherish you in my life. Letting you go will hurt both of us but holding on to it will only hurt me. I hope you understand why out of sudden i treat you this way. I'm so down. Perhaps, I'm not a good friend or a good sister. I shall not think much about it anymore. What's past already past. You can choose whatever kind of friends you like. Byeeee.

Noon, went to library with Fran & i borrow three books about cat. Aftermath, head back to Fran's house to cut hair, do mask & watch tv. Rush home & change & head down to Sen's house down stair to meet up with LY peeps as they got training today. (: Training end at about 10pm+ & everyone went back to Sen's house to bath, change & play with Zinc&Sen's new puppy. About 12am+ we took bus down to Toh Guan to have our late dinner. Everyone was like a hungry ghost can. Stephan came along after awhile. Slack & chit chat at the coffee shop for awhile & Sen, Zinc & William went back home. So Baby, Boonie, Stephan, Yihong, Hongwei, Hongzhan, Shimin, Edwin & me went to slack at the usual place. Have so much fun being with them. The laughter will never stop when I'm being with them. lOL. Till then, Baby, Hongwei & me head back home first as we're super tired & bored. Tomorrow need wake up early as we plan to visit Joker. He's feeling so much better. ((: Good for him & hope he recover faster. ((:

I'm gonna bed now. I'm so fucking tired can.
Goodnight ((:

Thursday, May 15

Oh Man

Wake up super late today & now i can't sleep lohh. I'm at home whole day. I'm a good girl for today. Ha (:

Well, Baby is sleeping right now. Look at the time, was like what-the-fuck. Its already so late yet I'm still awake loh. I'm felt so hungry & Jiamin is being so sweet to go down to buy supper for me & come all the wayyyy to my house at this freaking hour. She's so sweet can. lOL. Slack, watch tv, smoke & chit-chat with her was so much fun. We talked about the past & bad mouth about somebody. How bad can, but i'm just loving it. Slack & chit chat till 4am+ den she went to meet up with her friends while i'm alone in the living room watching tv. I was so bored can.

I wanna sleep but my eyes just can't close. Or when my eyes close, i keep thinking about tons of stuff. Roars. I think i need some sleeping pills lahhh. Or can anyone willing to sing me song so i can have a beauty sleep. Haha. I'm dead bored okies. Can anyone called me at this freaking hours to chat with me on the phone? lOL.

Well well well, i'm gonna watch spongebob right now.
Goodnight People. ((:

Wednesday, May 14

God. Guess what time i wake up today? Fuck, i wake up at 5pm+ man. Xinjie & Wenming flood me like there's no tomorrow loh. I'm so fucking tired can. I wanna have a longgg beauty sleep. Haha. Well, i need to get a life man. I need a job. ((: If anyone got lobang, please let me know ahh. I'm sure i'll love you fucking lots man. Hahahahahaha.

Well, meet MYF at 7+pm, slack & chit-chat awhile. Head down to Wenming's factory to look at his new dog. Slack & chit chat at his factory den Wenming & Ruyi went home while me, baby, mayy & kenneth went to eat. (: Back home after that. lOL. I love slacking with them lahh. There's so much laughter & screaming with them. ((:

I'm gonna play viwawa now & watch spongebob vcd soon. :)
Bye all love. Have a good rest tonight.

Tuesday, May 13


Good Luck for your lesson tonight (: I'm wanna heard good new ah. Don't disappointed me. Haha. I Love You lahhhh.

27o4o7 <33

If I could never see your face again or reach out to touch you,If I could never again feel your warmth against me in the night,Something would be missing in me.

If, one day, you weren’t by my side together in comfortable silence,If your hand didn’t reach out to hold mineAs we sat side by side,Part of me wouldn’t be there either.

The minutes and the hours and the days have molded our hearts into one and I have found contentment andSatisfaction within your love.We belong together.

Well, baby called & he said he pass/fail his lesson tonight. Don't get upset. Cheer-up ((: Okies, I'm gonna watch spongebob VCD now. Byeeee!

What Yunnie Pang Means
You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.
You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.
You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.

You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.
And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.
You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.
You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.
At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are influential and persuasive. You tend to have a lot of power over people.
Generally, you use your powers for good. You excel at solving other people's problems.
Occasionally, you do get a little selfish and persuade people to do things that are only in your interest.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life.
You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone.
Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs.

Monday, May 12


  • Booniie's House for chit-chatting & help him out with his blog.
  • Cab down to CSC for singing.
  • Nearby westmall for supper.
  • Home sweet home.

Anyway, i fall down from stair for about one to one and a half months ago or maybe already two months+. & it's very badly hurt. Went for a x-ray after i fall yet there's no distinct fracture line seen. Recently, my back hurt damn lots. & once i walk, i can feel the fucking pain. Whenever i walked, sit or lying down on my bed also got some problem. God damn it. =/ I need to see a doctor again & reallllll sooooooooon.

I'm so tired. Not gonna talk much today. I need my beauty sleep. ((: Night!!!!

Sunday, May 11


❤ Happy Mother's Day! ❤

Mummy, you're the greatest mother in the world. Thanks for taking care of us so well. (: We love you.
Well, tend to bring mom to sg flyer but Brothermax last min have to work. So we cancel the outing & stay at home for the whole day. Omg! Boring Sunday. I'm gonna keep mom acc-ed so she won't feel so lonely. (: See, I'm a good girl & a mummy's girl. Ha! Anway, Baby went over to Luqiang's place to put new tattoo. Hope its look nice lah. Haha!

Pangpang, Say Hello To Everyone (:

Pangpang is awake right now. Look, he's sleeping on top of my PC just now. Roars. He's so cute can. I'm so in love with Pangpang. Haha. I don't wish to give him away lahhhh. *Scream* Pangpang, mummy love you okies. Ha!

Baby's New Tattoo

Look at Baby's new tattoo. The colour of the dragon & the keng is still not yet done. Eh, look not bad lahh. lOL. Better den the one behind. :x Hahaha. Well, its like so-oh-my-god pain can. Baby, you're so strong lah. Haha. Love you ahhhh.

Okies, I'm gonna out to buy crabs for mom for Mother's Day. (: Baby, BrotherMax & me share money. (: Okies. Goodnight Everyone. (: I'm so tired lahhhhhhhhh.

Saturday, May 10

    Happy Birthday To Coco!
  • Cab down to NUH to visit Joker.
  • Cab back to Jurong East to meet-up with Boonie, Hongzhan & Kingkong.
  • Cab down to Jurong east enter in the mid-night for k-pool.
  • Slack outside Mac awhile.
  • Cab home after that.

Last min, William called & ask whether do we want to visit Joker. So Baby & me changed & took a cab down. At least, he look better den the second day of our visiting. Baby & me always late for the visiting hours so we can only stand outside the ICU to take a look at him. His left hand & both legs were moving when we saw him but his eyes ain't open yet. Anyway, he's gonna be transfer out of ICU tomorrow to a special room. God Bless. Please wake up asap. (: Don't make your family & friends worried for you.

Aftermath, went nearby hospital to have our late dinner. Slack & cab back to Jurong East to meet up with the rest. Actually heading down to CSC for singing but the rooms there are all fully booked. So we plan to go Haiji Lane for shisha. Due to Boonie & Hongzhan is broke so am i so we decided to went for k-pool at Jurong Enter. We played till 245am den close table & slack outside Mac. Went home after that. I'm so fucking tired can. Change & i'm dead on bed.

Last, I'm loving baby so muchhhhh (:

He's the reason i breathe;
He's the reason i cry;
He's worth all the pain and all heartache;
Because what i feel when I'm lay on his chestis unbelievable and it makes everything worth it;
He looks at me with those sexy blue eyes;
And i just know he's the one;

Friday, May 9

❤ Pangpang

I'm giving Pangpang away tomorrow. I really can't bear to give him away but i left with no choice. Sister is fucking angry about it & she said if I'm not gonna take Pangpang away, she's gonna call SPCA to come & take it away. *Heartaches* I cried while bathing just now. I don't know what to do to make me stop crying. Acc Pangpang for a long hours just now. Taking pictures & video of him. Sitting alone in the living room, crying & hugging Pangpang till he fall asleep. Tears roll down from my face non-stop. I just can't help to stop crying. Pangpang is like my own child. It's like giving my child to a new owner/mother. My heart hurt alot. I totally got no mood. I'm so down & low right now. While typing this post, i cried. Who can really understand the pain in me. I REALLY CAN'T BEAR TO LET HIM GO. Pangpang scare to be alone in the night. He need someone to acc him till he fall asleep. He wants someone to hug him to sleep. Sigh. Nothing gonna help. The only way is to give him away. I'm sure I'll cry like mad for this few days. Please understand if I'm giving you people a attitude. Well, i hope i can kill myself right now. I hate this kinda of feeling & i swear its hurt alot. Pangpang, no matter where you're, always remember that mummy love you. & not i don't want you, its mummy got her reason. ): Pangpang, please be a good boy & listen to your new owner. I'm sorry Pangpang. Really sorry. Omg, can someone make me feel better or stop my tears from rolling down. Sigh! Teo, please take good care of my Pangpang. Anything, please update me. At least let me know he's fine. Thanks!

I'm having a bad headache right now due to i cried too much just now. & i used up two rolls of toilet paper. :/ I just can't help to stop the tears. Speak to Ah-Boon & Wenming just now. & I cried so much while on the phone with Ah-Boon. Hais ~ I'm so tired. Well, ignore me please.

Happy 19th Birthday To Mea!

I'm meeting MYF later. We're going down to CCK to meet up with Roger.
Bye everyone.

Thursday, May 8


I'm wondering something about Pangpang now. Wonder should i keep Pangpang or give it away? Dad was asking me to keep Pangpang & Mom said give it away due to Pangpang anyhow shit. *Heartaches* I can't bear to give Pangpang away & I'm sure I'll cried like some mad girl. Whenever Pangpang anyhow shit, Mom get super mad & fed-up. She'll scream super loud from room to room. Omg! *fainted* Sigh, if Mom given me one last chance, I'm sure i'll spend 24/7 to teach him how to go shit & where to shit on. *Promise* (:

Well, I'm sleeping at 5am - 6am everyday. I'm gonna get a life man. I need a job & I need money so i can go study in private. Can anyone intro me a job please? :( Huihui told me that taking private need $2k-$3k. Where the hell can i get so much money. Roars! Well, i know Aunt willing to pay for me but I DON'T WANT. Life is so freaking boring. & I miss my friends :)

I'm looking forward to next month. BrotherVam will be back home on 17Th June - 30Th June. I'm so freaking miss him man. I'm gonna hug him when he's back lahhh!* jumps* But, sadedd because BrotherVam can't be back on 9th as its Fen's & Ivan's wedding. June please come faster. :))

I'm meeting MYF later in the night for slacking & chit chat =) Finally, JillLim is free tonight.

hope Baby pass his lesson tonight :) I'm waiting for your good new. I Love You.
Happy 19th Birthday To Jun Kia!
ohyah, i still own Huizhen homemade cupcake.!!!!!

P/s: Hongwei, I know you have put in alots of effect in your studies. But please take a good rest & don't think too much. What's over is already over. Don't blame yourself or regret in anything you do. As i said, if you don't know anything, go forward & ask. If you asked, people willing to teach you. Never try, you'll never know. Hope you feel better after telling me so much of things. :) Take good care!

Wednesday, May 7


Woke up at 3Pm+ due to i sleep in the morning & I'm in the rush. Need acc Dad for his heart check-up & the appointment for blood test is at 4pm. Bath & rush down to take a cab. Was nearly late for the appointment. Luckily, we reach there at 4pm. Haha! Acc Dad in for the blood test & waited for Fen & Ivan to fetch us at hospital to have a early dinner. Dad didn't eat from morning 6am to 4pm. He complain that he's fucking hungry. Poor Daddy :( Had our early dinner at nearby coffee shop. Aftermath, head back to hospital as doctor want to talk to Dad. Doctor said Dad's condition is still not as good as last time. He need to quit smoking & stop eating oily food. Well, he won't listen so no point telling him lahhh. & still, he can't make up his mind whether to take the operation anot. I know, he's worried about the family & job. Went home after everything settle.

Intend to go jurong point with Fen & Ivan but last min they need to rush down to amk for some stuff & also, they're busy with their wedding stuff. Congratz Sister :) Reach home & rest for awhile. After that, went to Manman's house for some stuff & I'm just came back home. So tired but i not gonna sleep so early. :)) Did nothing much today. Boreddddd !!!


A simple friend has never seen you cry.
A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.
A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument.
A real friend knows that it's not a friendship until after you've had a fight.
A simple friend hates it when you call after he has gone to bed.
A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.
A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest.
A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself.
A simple friend wonders about your romantic history.
A real friend could blackmail you with it.
A simple friend expects you to always be there for them.
A real friend expects to always be there for you!

Note: Lovelove, i know how you feel. As i said, friends come & go. Don't let anything affect your life. Anything, please ring me up. I'll be there for you 24/7. :) Remember, I'm a call away. Have a good rest tonight. Love you!

Baby sleep super early today.
Goodnights :)

Tuesday, May 6

Happy 19Th Birthday To Huizhen
Everlasting with your bf. =D Hope he treat you better. Loveyou!
Happy 19Th Birthday To Adli
You're a great friend overall. & lets meet up asap. Miss you!

Meet up with Wenming & Ruyi in the noon. Slack & chit chat for super long. Aftermath, Baby & Max & Zhiming came to meet us up. Slack & slack & slack.
Went home at about 6.3opm. Actually meeting at night with Mayyy but Jill went to town. So end up, we didn't get the chance to meet up. Well, friday okayy? =))

Well, let me intro my New Baby; PANGPANG
Mine & Bf's Baby.

The Ladies;

I Miss You Girls !
Friends we are,forever friends we'll be,Wherever we are,you're right beside me.I hope we stay friends 'til the end of time,And whenever that is,our friendship will still shine.You mean the world to me,I hope the same with you,You're always helping me,whatever it takes you'll do.Now that we're growing older,changing our ways,I know we won't lose our friendship-I hope I never see that day.So to every one of my friends,you mean the world to me,Friends we are,forever friends we'll be.

Out of nowhere, i miss lots of people in my life.
  • BrotherVam, a lovely brother of mine. He's now alone in Taiwan. Hope he's safe & sound. Please be home soon. Call home once you free. Everyone missed you badly. Loved!
  • Xinjie, a friend that i treasure the most. Being there for me whenever i need a shoulder. Never fail to cheer me up when i fough with Baby. 8 years friendship, i do treasure. Thanks for being there. You see me went through so much ups & downs. You know, i always love you. :)
  • Ah-Boon, little brother who never fail to melt my heart with every little things he done. Brighten up my day with his silly-ness & crap-ing. A very good listening ears overall. I hope you know what you want in your life. It's time to satisfied & achieve what you want. Flirting won't make you look young. I'm always worried for you. You know, you're the only one i dotes on most.

Bed time. Goodnights :)

Monday, May 5

First Post

Finally, my blog is done. =D
Its gonna be my first post today
Thanks Darling for helping. Love you lots.

Wake up at 1pm+ & Baby was back home from camp already. Wenming called & prepare & off we go to meet him, Kenneth & his friend. Slack at my house down stair & head down to 516 as wenming wanna wash his bike. After awhile, Baby & Kenneth took bus down to BBDC for bike lesson & I went home alone. Actually meeting may later but she's not feeling well.

Took cab down to NUH to meet up with Jason, William, Ahboon, Weiwei&co to visit Joker. He's still in ICU & coma. His condition is still not stable. Hope he will awake soon. God Bless. Family & Friends please take good care at this moment. Lets pray that he's fine.


Happy Birthday To Fat Min
Please change your fucking attitude. & hope you grow fatter & fatter. :)
Happy Birthday To Farhan
Hope your teeth grow bigger & bigger. Friend always.
Happy Birthday To TianShun
Everlasting with your gf & study hard for your exam.
& & &
25 mins more to Huizhen's Birthday&Adli's Birthday. =)) Sweet sweet 19th! =]]]

Viwawa time
Goodnight Everyone. :)