One years 1 month Anni♥ersary !

Baby, Thanks for everything
You did your part as a sweetest boyf
Treating me like a little princess of yours
Being there whenever i need
Hug me when I'm feeling so down or cold
Lend me a shoulder to cry on
Cheer me up with your silly-ness & stupid-ness
You're my soul,
Without you, I'm nothing
I'm so lost without you by my side.
I promise to walk down the long road with you.
I promise to walk down the long road with you.
There's so much ups & downs in our relationship;
But you never fail to hold on to it.
Thank God, he send me you. (:
3 Words, 8 Letters, 1 Meaning
&& Sis's wedding coming.
I still don't know what to wear. God !~
& Ah-di army letter is here.
I believe Mom will cry like mad again.
&&& Omg, Watch this.
Fen send this to me.
Was like, WTF can !!!!
I nearly fainted. Poor baby.