Mummy, you're the greatest mother in the world. Thanks for taking care of us so well. (: We love you.
Well, tend to bring mom to sg flyer but Brothermax last min have to work. So we cancel the outing & stay at home for the whole day. Omg! Boring Sunday. I'm gonna keep mom acc-ed so she won't feel so lonely. (: See, I'm a good girl & a mummy's girl. Ha! Anway, Baby went over to Luqiang's place to put new tattoo. Hope its look nice lah. Haha!
Pangpang, Say Hello To Everyone (:
Pangpang is awake right now. Look, he's sleeping on top of my PC just now. Roars. He's so cute can. I'm so in love with Pangpang. Haha. I don't wish to give him away lahhhh. *Scream* Pangpang, mummy love you okies. Ha!
Baby's New Tattoo
Okies, I'm gonna out to buy crabs for mom for Mother's Day. (: Baby, BrotherMax & me share money. (: Okies. Goodnight Everyone. (: I'm so tired lahhhhhhhhh.