Spongebob is my forever lo♥e. ((:
Baby is done with the drawing of my Spongebob & Patrick.
Thanks Baby. I ♥ You !
Maymay gone crazy when she saw the Patrick.
May, Gim said he will help you draw one when free. lOL.
SpnongeBob (:
Baby is done with the drawing of my Spongebob & Patrick.
Thanks Baby. I ♥ You !
Maymay gone crazy when she saw the Patrick.
May, Gim said he will help you draw one when free. lOL.
SpnongeBob (:
Patrick (:
SpongeBob & Patrick (((:
Bbq was cancel last min.So MYF decided to go taman jurong for prawn-ing & pool.We only catch four prawn. How sad can.Felt so tired & no mood man.Aftermath, head down to Roger's house for mahjong.Back home at 4am +
The Ah-Bengs !

♥ MYF ♥

Happy 18th Birthday To Chan WeiJie !
I'm super tired.
Night Everyone. ((: