I'm wondering something about Pangpang now. Wonder should i keep Pangpang or give it away? Dad was asking me to keep Pangpang & Mom said give it away due to Pangpang anyhow shit. *Heartaches* I can't bear to give Pangpang away & I'm sure I'll cried like some mad girl. Whenever Pangpang anyhow shit, Mom get super mad & fed-up. She'll scream super loud from room to room. Omg! *fainted* Sigh, if Mom given me one last chance, I'm sure i'll spend 24/7 to teach him how to go shit & where to shit on. *Promise* (:
Well, I'm sleeping at 5am - 6am everyday. I'm gonna get a life man. I need a job & I need money so i can go study in private. Can anyone intro me a job please? :( Huihui told me that taking private need $2k-$3k. Where the hell can i get so much money. Roars! Well, i know Aunt willing to pay for me but I DON'T WANT. Life is so freaking boring. & I miss my friends :)
I'm looking forward to next month. BrotherVam will be back home on 17Th June - 30Th June. I'm so freaking miss him man. I'm gonna hug him when he's back lahhh!* jumps* But, sadedd because BrotherVam can't be back on 9th as its Fen's & Ivan's wedding. June please come faster. :))
I'm meeting MYF later in the night for slacking & chit chat =) Finally, JillLim is free tonight.
hope Baby pass his lesson tonight :) I'm waiting for your good new. I Love You.
Happy 19th Birthday To Jun Kia!
ohyah, i still own Huizhen homemade cupcake.!!!!!
P/s: Hongwei, I know you have put in alots of effect in your studies. But please take a good rest & don't think too much. What's over is already over. Don't blame yourself or regret in anything you do. As i said, if you don't know anything, go forward & ask. If you asked, people willing to teach you. Never try, you'll never know. Hope you feel better after telling me so much of things. :) Take good care!