Woke up early today. Prepare & cab down to Novena to fetch Moi with Vam & Baby & down to Fen's house at AMK. Ivan & Fen cooked lunch for us. After lunch, slack & play PSP. Moi left after lunch. Head down to Upper Pierce to catch small lobster. & I kanna fine because of smoking.

& how the fuck i know there cannot smoke. Spoil my mood for the whole day. Nb.

Aftermath, head back to Fen's house to get some stuff & back home for dinner.
Meet up with MYF at my house downstair for awhile & Hong Kah East to find Chekyun. Slack/ smoke/chit-chat. & Baby's friends came down to meet us for awhile. We got no place to go so everyone suggest to head down to Jurong Hill as Jill & Baby never been there before. Haa, have so much fun listening to Jill's story. Everyone laugh till stomachs cramp.

Wait for Chekyun, Xiangyi, Sky & blahblahblah to come & meet us. We waited for so fucking long can. While Chekyun they all reach, we saw a group of

people also. Which we all don't like so we plan to head down to West Coast for supper. (: Home sweet home aftermath.
I got tons of pictures to upload but i'm just toooo lazyyy.
I'll upload when I feel like.