You're getting older & older.
Good luck in everything you do.
May all your wishes comes true.
Stay pretty & happy. (:
I ♥ You Baby.
Wenming called in the noon for mahjong. Bath & prepare, walk to Zhenhui's house with Baby. Settle our dinner at Zhenhui's house. His mummy cook for us. So sweet & nice of her mummy. Super friendly man. Haa. After dinner, mahjong started. Baby, Wenming, Ruyi & Zhenhui playing while i sit beside Ruyi to teach her abit. May & Kenneth came aftermath to meet us up at Zhenhui's house. Mahjong end at 11pm & Wenming went home while me & the rest went to coffee shop for super/drink/slack/chit-chat. Head back home aftermath. Baby gonna report to camp tomorrow at 6am. Was like, WTF can. He's lack of sleep. Haa, Poor baby. Lovelove yeah. (: Umm, I'm enjoying myself pretty much with MYF. They can totally let me forget about all the unhappy stuff. Hearts ♥MYF♥. Well, i'm gonna bed now.
Last, i fuckingggg miss Kenneth Kuan Boon Huat !!!
Gooooooood nighttttttttttt peopleeeeeeeee!!