Saturday, July 3

Last min at 930pm, drove down to Amk with Baby & Fran to look for Coco & Arron. Slacked at Coco's place before heading down to Lor 8 Geylang for supper. Went over to Guillemard Rord for awhile before going home. :) I love & enjoy good food almost everyday. Shiok shiok !! Back home at 2am.

I was pissed off by Nick yesterday night & I swear, I won't forgive him or lend anything to anyone ANYMORE. Money is not the problem, is responsibility. I'm being very nice to lend you my stuff but you gave me shit back. You don't even know how to handle simple things. Fcuk you people, seriously. Don't give me lame or shit excuses that you didn't know this & that. FUCK YOU ! _|_