Boring day today. Woke up at about 730 in the morning & called that lady to arrange the time for interview but she's running for a roadshow so couldn't meet up with me. So she arranged for tomorrow but well, I won't be going anymore. (: Called BenLim to inform him & he's making so much noise. Poor little boy apply leave just to accompany me there. I'm sorry. ): But still, thanks you! Chit-chat with brother before he went to work. Fall asleep not long after giving Boyfriend a call.
Woke up at around 5 in the noon & facebook, Cafe World till now. Actually meeting Bestfriend but last minutes she went to steamboat with her friends. So I'm a good girl staying at home the whole day. Alright, will be meeting Boyfriend tomorrow. I misssss him sooooo much, can. Seriously, I've got nothing to update about. So boring. Well, I want to cut & dye my hair, but I'm too lazy to travel all the way from Jurong to Simei. ): Alright, I'm gonna call Boyfriend soon. & before I ended my post,
Happy Birthday To Vam & Ccy. :)
Click the 'Nuffnang Ads' for me. :) Lovelove.