13 July

14 July

I'm down with fever for 4 days. Couldn't attend work or go out. ):
& my temperature run up to 39.1 yesterday.
The feeling suck to the maxzxzxz & I feel like I'm dying anytime.
I cover two blanket & I still felt very cold. That feeling . . . sighs.
I'll quarantine myself for the time being. :)
Baby was like so sweet to look after me this few days.
He scolded me whenever I said this to him.
Me: Dear, 我要出去類.
Baby: Cb laaaaaa ~ 你生病还要出去. 外面风很大類.
Lol~ I walk away without saying anymore words.
- People, please take good care of yourself. Don't fall sick like me. >.<'
Drink more water & have a good rest.
14 July
I'm down with fever for 4 days. Couldn't attend work or go out. ):
& my temperature run up to 39.1 yesterday.
The feeling suck to the maxzxzxz & I feel like I'm dying anytime.
I cover two blanket & I still felt very cold. That feeling . . . sighs.
I'll quarantine myself for the time being. :)
Baby was like so sweet to look after me this few days.
He scolded me whenever I said this to him.
Me: Dear, 我要出去類.
Baby: Cb laaaaaa ~ 你生病还要出去. 外面风很大類.
Lol~ I walk away without saying anymore words.
- People, please take good care of yourself. Don't fall sick like me. >.<'
Drink more water & have a good rest.