Steamboat with all the CatchyBag Peeps @ Selegie. The foods there was so much better den La Mei Zi. (: Jon still blaming me for bringing them to La Mei Zi on Jolin's Birthday. I know the foods there suck big time so next steamboat lets not go there lahhh. ):
We've so much fun eating & joking around. Ben & Chris can't make it last mins as their kids need to sleep. How sad man! Hope there's a next time yeah.
Aftermath, went to a pub nearby for drink. Order Sex on the Beach & Vodka Cranberry. Yummy. I'm so in love with the Vodka Cranberry. Let's try it again yeah?
Leave the pub @ about 3.15am & reach home @ about 4am. Tired but we really enjoy pretty muchhh.
Anyway, will let the pictures do all the talking as I'm too lazy to post every single things about the fun we've. :D
Nightsss !