Birthday Cake .
Birthday Boy .
Family .
Koks & Birthday Boy .
Family & 灵应-mates .
灵应-mates .
Group Picture 01

Group Picture 02

Only manage to sleep for two hours. Woke up pretty early like 8.30am to prepare myself. Meet up with Hongzhan at Jurong West to buy BBQ stuff. Went home & pass Mummy things & prepare other things. Aftermath, took a bus to Hongzhan's place to get his bag & else den walked all the way from his place to IMM to buy foods. *Faint*
Aftermath, cab down to Chevron to check in. Yes, chalet was at Chevron. Me, Kok & Hongzhan carried all the foods/drink/BBq stuff till nearly fainted half way. Fk-ing heavy can. Thanks to Boonie. Because he fall asleep. =.=
Check in at 2pm. Unpack all the foods & drinks all by myself. Stupid Hongzhan & Kok fooling around. Thanks ah. & they said I'm the maid/mother of the day. *Pengz* Baby reach not long after we check in. Was kinda busy unpack every little things all by myself. Even Baby didn't help me at all. YES, I'M LIKE A MAID RIGHT? Rolf.
Well, once finish unpack everythings. Hongwei called, something bad happened. I don't wish to mention. So Baby, Hongzhan, Kok & me rush down to Shuqun Sec. Jason, Step, Boonie, Kuanhui, Weiwei & a few people came down too. Was like wasting lots of time there. But glad that nothing happen to Hongwei. Cab back to chalet aftermath.
Baby, Boonie, Hongzhan & Kok went swimming while I'm watching TV. (: Yeah, it's time for me to relax myself yah. ((: Jesslyn reach & I went over to bus-stop to fetch her & help her carried stuff. Jesslyn reach not long, Jason, Zinc & Hongwei came. Slowly, everyone came. ((((:
BBQ was alright. Bowling was fun. Haa, I didn't play because I don't know how to play. So I sit there to support Zinc. (: After all the games, head back to chalet to sing birthday song & cut cake. (:
Home sweet home aftermath. Yes, super duper tired. A long long long long dayyyy. :)
Once again, Happy Birthday Boy. (:
Hope you enjoy yourself tonight.
Don't emo. I know the most impt people didn't came down.
Cheer up yeah. (:
Put all the past far behind & look forward to the future.
You'll always have our support. :)