Saturday, May 30

Life is not gonna be easy anymore.

I'm a busy woman. I don't have much time to do my own things or meet up with best friends.
& I'm going for an interview next week. :) Getting myself a new job soon & getting highest pay.

I won't be online or blogging so often now. Super busy @ work.
Shoooo ~

Nights (:

Wednesday, May 27

Happy 2 years 1 months Anniversary

I love you, Baby. & it's gonna be forever. (:

Tired ~ ):

The new lady boss came down just now. & the shop turn upside down.
She throw away 2 big boxes & 4 big bags of items.
& me & mel have to pack & unpack lots of things.
Moved here & there. Climbing up & down.
Now, the shop is really really very messssssy.
I swear, it's fk-ing messy.
我的天 ~

Planned to have dinner with best-friends. ):
But I can't make it as there's too many things to do in the shop.
Lady boss coming down at 10pm later.

I'm not happy. Veryyy not happy.
Can't have dinner with best-friends.

Shooooo ~
Reach home nearly 12am. ):

Tuesday, May 26

Screw Up

You're worthless.
You're just so pathetic.
I'll make you pay for your crime.
I'll make you hate your life.

Fucker ~

You'll get retribution soon .

Sunday, May 24

Happy Birthday, C.weijie !

Each year your birthday reminds me
That I really want to say
I’m very glad I know you;
I think of you each day.

I hope you enjoy your birthday,
All the pleasures it has in store,
And because I appreciate you,
I hope you have many more!

Wednesday, May 20

I don't need anyone to take advantage of my weaknesses or my strengths.
I need someone who will appreciate me for everything that I am.
People won't remember what you did.
People won't remember what you said.
But, people will remember how you made them feel.

Tuesday, May 19

I miss school so badly. ):
I wanna apply schoooooool.
I wanna go back to schoooooooool.

Currently, I'm looking for a new job as I'll be leaving CatchyBag next month. (:
I need some income to make me stay alive. Hahas. *Bullshit*
This time round, I'm looking for a part time job. No more full time please.
Because I wanna have more time with my love ones.
So keep an eye for me if there's any jobs available up there.
Email me @ .

Thanks ~ (;

Saturday, May 16

Two days MC.

Headaches turned me off. Flu , sore throat , cough & fever.
I don't like all this feeling at all. ): & my back giving me problem too. Sobs

Doctor said, I've been seeing him from last year 08 dec till now.
Every months sure got my report. As if I want to fall sick like that. Eeks.

Eating apples everyday now.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (: Heh

Friday, May 15

Bombster throwing bombs again. '___________'
I must take cover in case she throw bomb at me. Heh.
I'm bad.


I'm in love with facebook once again. (:
Restaurant City is a drug. I'm so in love with it. :D
I can't stop playing. ): Can someone please stop me from playing?
I sit in front of my lappy for 8 hours at work just to play that game.
I don't bother about the shop anymore. Heh. I'm a bad girl now.

Shut up, Yunnie. & wake up from your dream. Heh.
Well, I miss my best friends. ): But I don't have time to meet them up.
I'm a bee looking for honeyhoney. Laughs.
I'm craving for 田鸡 nowadays .
Going meet up with best friends for 田鸡 soon. ((:

My backbone is in pain for three days already.
I can't stand too long or sit too long. Goddess.
Same old problem coming back to me again & again. Eeks ~

Baby going drinking session with his camp mates later.
I don't like it at all. But I can't do anything.
He have his freedom so I'll free him like a bird today. Haa.
Drink & hope he get drank & lost his way home. *Evil*

Stop all this craps for now.
I'm going to shut down my lappy now. (:
One more hours to home sweet home. I can't wait to go homeeeeee.

Goodbyeeeeee ~

Tuesday, May 12


I can't stand that girl man. She's making a fool of herself.
Kiddo ~
Go home drink your mother milk & get a life man.
Stop being a retarded & idiot. & whatever you said made me LAUGH OUT LOUD.

Fuck You !

Sunday, May 10

Happy 妈咪's Day !
Happy Birthday, Coco !

I'm not happy today. Something affected me soooo badly.
But, I'm glad that there's you who let me pour my sorrows out.
At last, I felt sooo much better. :)
谢谢你, 我的好朋友 ~

Thursday, May 7

Overdue Pictures
