Wednesday, April 22

Didn't turn up for work today as my backbone hurts again.
Yap, same old problems. Needed to visit the doctor again. FUCK!
& I don't feel like working nowadays. Kind of lazy. & this month income sure very little.

& something bad happened. Which I don't feel like mention or bring it out again.
I'm just a call away. So I hope he's doing pretty fine. Don't make us worried for you.
Contact me asap okay?

Life is always like that. & things always go don't the way we want it to be.
I'm learning to treasure everyone around me now. I don't want to lose anyone.
& I don't want to regret anything in my life anymore.

Two more days & Boonie gonna enlisted & Vam gonna ORD looooooo ~
Time flies so fast. I just hope that time could just stop here.
I want to have more night-outing with them. There's really fun.

& I craving for steamboat again. I want steamboat so badly.
Anyone want to go steamboat with me? ((((((((: *Laugh

Enough of all this shit. I need to rest now. Just a nap will do. :D
Laziness is a killer.