Yunnie said: You turned away, left me feeling neglected
I didn't get a chance to say what I feel inside.
Sorry for being imperfect, I know you are lonely and so am I
but pushing is not my style, so I guess this means goodbye
Y esterday is just another memory ;
O ne more day you made me laugh so hard I cried .
U nearthing what I thought he took when he left ;
C ouldn't have moved on without you by my side .
O n my grayest days you brighten up my world ,
L ike a rainbow piercing through a stormy sky .
O ften only you can keep me from falling ;
U nforgiving to the jerks who've made me cry .
R ealizing what's best for me much sooner ,
M uch easier than I can do on my own .
Y ou bring out the best in me even at my worst ..
W hat would I do if you left me all alone ?
O ne day we may be forced to part ; but if so ,
R emember all the nights we've spent together .
L aughing , crying .. Talking about everything ;
D ancing in memories we'll have forever