Monday, December 20
Friday, December 17
Wednesday, December 15
Saturday, December 4
Happy Birthday, Boonie !
Took cab over to the birthday boy's place to pick him up & Jurong East to meet up with Elysia. Smoked & slacked awhile & we cabbed down to Marina Square for Yuki Yaki as the birthday boy requested it. The foods there was alright only. Saw Amy & Roy there too. :) Walked around & the birthday boy bought us HI 5 balloons.
Slacked at Starbucks & we took cab to Chervon for 靈應 's chalet & Jason bought him a birthday cake too. :) Was so happy to see everyone there as I haven see them for years. Group pictures for all the 靈應 people.
I've uploaded all the pictures in Facebook so please check it out. Once again, 生日快乐 !!!
Wednesday, December 1
Goodbye November & Hello December !
November isn't a good month for me & so, I hope December will better & kind to me. :)
2010 coming to an end soon & I hope, all the fake people & shit things to disappear from my life.
Hopping for a better life & better friends.
December is the month that I(we) or most of the people to gain weight.
Malaysia Trip, Christmas Parties, Bbq-ing, Chalet & blah blah blah.
- Tell me how not to gain weight ?
- Tell me how to control my diet ?
- Tell me how to stop eating good foods ?
Whatever ! Eat already den say.
Two more months & I'll be moving over to stay with Sis & of cause, I don't bear to leave my 肥猫 here. ): Okay, I will be a lonely girl there. One big house with ONLY me at home. Bored die me !
Been very moody lately. I don't know why & don't know what to do. I'm sick of the people around me. I see shit things happened one after another. So many fake people around me too. If God given me a chance, I will slap them real hard. Yes, REAL HARD! & I hate it when people don't reply my msg & don't return calls when they saw so many missed calls & msgs in their bloody phone. Since they don't bother, why must I bother? Treat people like how you wanna be treated. Since you guys already treated me like shit & will only call me when need helps, den I might as well treat you guys like how you all treated me now. Of cause, I don't mind losing friends like you all. I rather have less friends den having so many fake friends in my life. Correct?
Okay, Stfu people. I don't need any comments & stop asking me who I'm referring to & what've happened. Everything just screwed up. I won't allow you people to step on me anymore. Enough is enough. & is very obvious that I'm talking about you & you & you ! _/_
Click on the nuffnang ads for me.
Monday, November 29
I admit, I really miss how things used to be.
But I can also admit, that I've accepted the face that things changed.
My life will be so much better without you. :)
Don't tell me what's friendship means. I knew it better den you do.
I won't waste my time on anyone of you who used me.
You choose the path you want & never regret it.
Friends? It's all bullshit. I know who's true to me now.
Don't call me your sister or best friend because you don't deserve it in my heart in the first place.
I see all your true colour, so please leave me alone.
Yunnie, open your eyes bigger & see who's true to you.
Time to wake up & don't waste your time on people like them. Understand?
Monday, November 22
Thursday, November 18
Tuesday, November 9
Monday, November 8
Dear S _ _ _ _ _
I'm sorry if I offended you in any way in the past. You should know that, I'm a very straight-forward person & always speaks what's in my mind. Often, I offended my friends or whoever but I'm just speaking the facts & the truths. I'm not someone who will wear a fake mask & act friendly to whoever, be it to my family, my boyfriend, my friends or my friend's friends. To me, don't like means don't like. I don't hide my feeling towards anyone. I must admit, I speaks without using my brain before & made whoever dislike me, but it don't really bother me because I don't really need them in my life. I don't care how & what you think about me because you're just like a nobody to me. My life still goes on without you, even if you got cancer & die tomorrow or whatsoever, I swear, I won't cry over for you. Now, you're with my good sister so I won't pick a fight with you. I remembered, I used to tell you about this girl(which is your friend) that hated me so much because of her boyfriend is my good friend & we're very close. I told you every little things about this girl during H's chalet few months back. But, you told different stories to S which brings too much misunderstanding & troubles to me. I've got blocked in facebook by S for no reason. I've forgave S for a long time & I swear, I told you about it before. Still, you're making thing worst for both of us. You told everyone different stories about you & your ex-girlfriend & wanting all of us to pity you because you got dump by your ex-girlfriend. I won't & don't buy your stories cause in the very first place, I already know what kind of guy you are. You're just a attention seeker. I'm sorry, you find the wrong person to pity you. Don't tell me that you've changed for a better person. I can't see or feel it at all, so shut the fuck up. You can't judge yourself, only people around you can judge about you, jerk. Your life without a girlfriend is like world coming to an end. Come on, get a life. You lied & act innocent, I see already also wanna puke. Please, you're just so fucking disgusting to me. If you're not my good sister's boyfriend, I swear I will give you one tight slap. Let me remind you, DO NOT put words into my mouth again & again. I swear, I will burn down your house, kill your dog, ask your girlfriend to leave you. Be it whatever, I will just do all the dirty things to let you regret for being such a bastard. Trust me, I will do it for the sake of you. Fuck you, seriously. I really do hope, you got bang by a lorry while walking on the road, got stab to death by hooligans, fall from the stairs & knock real hard on your shit brain & die, got cancer & whatsoever. Be it what, I hope you die & disappear in my life so less troubles for me. Thinking of you right now, making me wanna puke so badly. Just go & die, will you? Next, I see what you gonna tell me when you call me. If you wanna play all this with me, I will entertain you all the way since I'm so fucking free.
Okay, I need to shut my brain & not letting you in now. Continue flirting behind your girlfriend's back, acting innocent, let people pity you, tell more lies, aiyoooo, whatever it is la. Never mind. You're such a bastard, jerk, jackass, useless man so good bye to you.
I wanna blog more about you but whenever I think of you, I wanna puke. To have a healthy mind, you should disappear in my life from now onward. :) Well, I don't wanna waste my life or time on you too.
Tuesday, November 2
Last Saturday was Halloween & something terrible happened at Downtown East. I believe everyone already heard & saw this murder case on newspaper & online such as Facebook, Stomp & Yahoo News. The victim, Darren Ng, 19 year old, student of Republic Polytechnic was stabbed to death with a choppers by a group of teens at the age of 18 - 20 at 6pm on Halloween evening. The young man was pronounced dead from multiple stab wounds at Changi Hospital that night. Polices have just arrested four young men within 48 hours after the hacked & investigation are still ongoing.
Yahoo uploaded this video & most of the people shared it in Facebook too.
I don't know the victim, but I do hope this young man rest in peace.
Those hooligans will pay for their crime & they will sentence to death.
The Law, the God will punish them on the behalf of you, young man.
Rest In Peace & my deepest condolences to Darren's Family & Friends.
Sunday, October 31
Saturday, October 30
October 29, 2010
Wanting to meet Uriko at her Dad's place but I overslept & she flooded my phone like some mad dog. Slept till late afternoon & facebook-ing till evening. Prepared & went over to Baby's place to changed vehicle & drove over to Boon Lay to pick up Zann. Back to my place for awhile & drove down to Lavender to meet up with Daniel & co. Okay, I can't stand the traffic because we stuck at AYE for nearly one hour & we're rushing like mad dog & cat. I can said, I nearly fainted in the car. Whatever ~ aftermath, we drove back to Jurong to meet up with the rest for prawning session at Jurong Hill. Packed with human being, but we managed to caught alot too. Awesome ! :) Prawning session ended at 2am. Baby send me home after that.
October 30, 2010
First, lets congrats our new driver, Mr Tan.
Only a few hours sleep & awoke by 三姐 early in the morning. She bought me milk tea & Daddy bought me satays. :) :) Baby accompanied his Mummy to iKea & Bugis for shopping while I waited at home for him. Baby came over at night & we waited for our new driver, Mr Tan to came over to pick us up & drove over to fetch Roger. They planned to play lan & pool at West Coast but full house so drove back to Jurong Safra. They guys played L4D while I sat there watching. L4D seems to be a very scary game when the zombies ran towards the screen. Like, omfgggg. Supper at 651 & Mr Tan drove me over to Uriko's place to collect my gift from her & back home aftermath. :) Awesome night-out with them. Bathed, Facebook-ed & called Baby before turning in.
Friday, October 29
Hellooo ~
I woke up pretty late today. Baby came over to my place after school & we watched Paranormal Activity 2 from online. Don't wanna watch it in the cinema first because most of my friends said its fucking scary. Okay, so we watched it in the afternoon & it scared the hell out of me & I covered my ears so tight because of the sound effect. SCARY you know, but kind of boring also la. Don't really know what's happening. Still, I prefect Paranormal Activity 1. Paranormal Activity 2 scared me when the mother was pulled out from the room. Like, omfggggg. It freak me out. But I know, online & cinema one sure different story so think I will watch it in the cinema when Baby is free.
Okay, we had dinner at home & prepared myself. Baby send me to IMM to meet up with Boonie, Gimpeng, Ken, Jason & co before heading home. Bought bubble tea & went up to car park & slack. The guys was being lame & they started to play some lame games while Gim, Ken & me sat there to see them running here & there like monkeys. Waited for Shimin, Kalyn & Hongzhan to arrive. Slacked, gossip, chit chatting, jokes, laughters & heart to heart talk till 2am. Cabbed back home.
Turning in soon & hope I can wake up before Baby dismiss school early later. Might be heading down to Jurong East in the afternoon.
Good Night & I'm missing Baby so much now.
Wednesday, October 27
Thanks God. Everything turned out fine. :) I hope I didn't waste my time talking to that 小妹妹 & hope she will keep all her promises & leave me alone. I don't want to have anything to do with her or heard her name in my life anymore. I'm just a stranger to her & I never even see her in real life before so just leave me alone as far as possible. If really not happy with me, welcome you to call me & talk things out since you already have my number. Don't drag me into your world when I'm a nobody to you. I'm not the third party. I'm not that kind of bitch that will break up couples. I'm don't need friend like you to be in my life. I don't need all your lies. I don't need you to tell me what to do. I don't bother or entertain any nonsense from strangers. Last, I won't go back to him so you don't have to worried. I just want you people to fucking hell leave me alone. I'm happy with my life, my family, my boyfriend & my friends. So don't come here & act one friendly to me, I felt so disgusted & gross.
You will be reading this & I know. I'm not afraid of letting you know. This is where I rant everything. Don't like, don't waste time to read. & I've nothing against you.
Happy Birthday, 哥哥 !
We missed you & may you rest in peace.
Rest In Peace, Paul !
Tuesday, October 26
You are the one who betray & disloyal to him first. Flirting around with his good brother & pushing all the blames to others. Stop acting innocent & let people pity you, little girl. & HELLOOO~ I'm not the third party that makes both of you broke off. & of cause, I won't go back to him because I've got someone who really know how to treasure me. So fucking hell leave me alone. I'm not here to entertain all your nonsenses & I don't buy all your lies. What kind of girl you are, everyone should know. I don't know you in real life so, I won't judge you from what I've listened. Don't always drag me into your life when you & him quarrel because I don't fucking give a damn to you & him. You're just a stranger to me, why let me appear in your life?
If you're jealous over all the past, go bang yourself real hard on the wall. He do treasure you but you betray him & gave him all the disappointments so don't blame others. & if you can't leave me alone, don't blame me for being such a heartless bitch. & don't come here & talk gangsters with me because I'm not afraid of you & your gangs. Don't believe me, try me. I do what I said & I make sure you will regret it.
You're just so pathetic. I will make you pay for your crime & I will make you hate your life.
Monday, October 25
Thursday, October 21
Recalling ~
Seriously speaking, I'm a failure in relationship because I don't know how to control my attitude & don't know how to treat my boyfriend in any better way. I get sick & tired of quarreling & always choose to give up half way through. Everyone should know, my previous boyfriend treated me like a dirt after being together for three years. Of cause, I must admit that the first three - six months was the most sweet months but after that, I'm like a fool or a dirt to him. Used to think that I can stable down with him, got married & have our own kids. Yes, he did proposed to me but I didn't agree with it, same goes to my family members. Why did I rejected him, is because we're not stable. As in, I caught him red-handed more den two times. Eh, he have more den one girlfriend(s). Quarrel over this & that over & over again & so, I got tired of all this shit. I don't wanna suffer anymore & gonna stop being a fool in this three years relationship. He moved back home & he stopped contacting me for 2 weeks (we haven break up). Since this is the case, why must I waste my time on him when he's not willing to waste his time on me? Tio bo? 三年感情,说长不长 说短不短. 我累了,放开手了。It's not an easy job to forget everything. It took time to heal all wounds & give myself sometime to cool down.
During the hard time, Wenming (which is now my boyfriend) was there for me all the time. Sending & fetching me to work (simei) almost everyday. Accompany me everyday just to make me feel better & he really did lots of touching things. :) I'm glad, he's always be with me through out all the good & bad times. Slowly, we got together & he never fail to make me smile. He's just like a gift from the God. He's the only boyfriend that really treated me like a queen. *Laughs* No matter where I am, he will always come & pick me up (no matter what time & how tired he is). He will never raise his voice at me whenever I made him angry. Telling & teaching me what's right & what's wrong. Giving me all his advise, support & encouragement, shower me with all his love & care, hold me when times went rough, being a very good listening ears, always be there whenever I needed someone & many many more. He's willing to spend all his time with me after school/work everyday. Whenever he's back to sin, he will rush over to my place just to know that I'm doing fine. I'm so thankful, I found him. Contended with my life & living happily with him. I'll never regret loving someone like him. He's really prefect & awesome one for me.
Baby, you'll be the last romance. Thanks for all the love & care. Thanks for being so understanding & tolerating all my nonsense at times. Thanks for being here & there whenever I needed you. Thanks for bringing so much colours, joys, laughter & fun into my life. Thanks for treating me like a queen everyday. Thanks for guiding me when I'm so lost. Thanks for all the surprise. Thanks for hugs & kisses from you to me. Thanks for looking after me whenever I'm sick. Thanks for spending all your time just to accompany me. Thanks for speaking up for me when someone bullied me. Thanks for everything that you've done for me. A million/billion thanks to you. So many memories we have together that mean so much to me & in the years to come, there will be more that we will see. I really appreciated everything from you & willing to spend my life time just to be with you. I love you wholeheartedly.
Once again, 谢谢你。♥
Today, marked our ;
One Year Anniversary !
Tuesday, October 19
Hellooo ~
4 hours & 30 mins more to go.
Done packing my bag but I can't bring my spongebob with me because my bag can't fix it in. ): No more space. How sad. Till now, still can't make up my mind whether to bring my laptop with me anot leh. Bag very heavy already siol. Will be back to Jurong either this coming Sunday or next month. :) It's all depend on my mood laaaah.
Woohoo ~ I love my Daddy so much. I told him that I will be home this week & when I'm awoke just now, I saw three packets of cig beside my pillow. He asked me to bring it along with me so I don't have to leave the house alone & buy it. Sigh ~ Never leave my parent for so many days before. Gonna be independent now.
This coming Thursday will be our one year anniversary & we can't celebrate together as Baby end his school at 4pm & I won't be in Jurong too. Sigh ~ Now, I'm waiting for Baby to come home & he said, he wanna wash his bike so yeah ~ shall do it before I leave my house. :)))
If anyone wanna mahjong or whatsoever, feel free to come over. No worries, I will be home alone everyday.
Happy Birthday, Joe Lee !
Monday, October 18
Hellooo ~
Seriously, I'm getting very lazy to update this little space of mine. ): Life's been very good & smoothing recently. Managed to had meatballs from ikea last week with Baby & 二姐 because we went on weekday. :) Following day, Baby & I went prawning. Yes, just the both of us. Been spending all my time with Baby & I'm really loving it.
Yesterday was an awesome sunday. :) Last min, planned to have kites flying. Asked 二姐 & the two kids along. Bro-in-law joined us after work. Eh, not very windy so our kites can't fly high high. Kinda sad la. Still, we enjoy ourself pretty much.
School started today for Baby & I'm slacking my life away as usual. Gonna pack my bag & spongebob later because I'm moving over to 大姐's house tomorrow night as she won't be in sin for the four days. I'm going over to look after her fat & lazy cat. =/ 大姐 will be going Hong Kong on this coming Wednesday & will be back on Saturday night & 二姐 will be going to Japan with Moi & Benny this week too. ): It's her birthday present looooooooh. Kind of jealous laaaaaah ~ Well, I'll be staying alone at AMK. Seriously, living in this world for 21 years, I've never stayed alone in one big house before. Hope everything will turn out well & fine.
Lastly, I know that, that old hag cursing & swearing me again & again. I'm glad to know that I've actually affected her life soooo fuckinggggg badlyyyyyy. Woohoo ~ I'M A HAPPY GIRL. Continue to do & say all the bitchy words, because I love it sooooo fuckingggg much. If you can't piss me off, try harder next time. :) & don't forget, you're the one who start the ball rolling so stop acting innocent & let people pity you leh. Tsk tsk tsk ~ You & that group of friends fuckingggg childish & you know what? I'M LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT YOU & YOUR DOGS FRIENDS. Well, don't worry so much. Try harder & affect my life because, I know no matter how much time you spend on cursing & swearing me, you still can't do a good job. With this kind of childish attitude, you won't go anywhere. Train harder & try harder. If you still can't do a very good job at pissing me off, go home drink your mother milk & suck your boyfriend's dick. Learn how to walk first before you learn how to fly, old hag.
Wednesday, October 13
Tuesday, October 12
Sunday, October 10
Ten-Ten-Ten. Just a normal day.
Ikea for meatballs with Baby but due to the queue & time rushing, we give it a miss. Wanting to order KOI but they no longer taking calls order so give up too. ): Disappointed. ): Back home & had dinner & meet up with Baby again for prawning session at Jurong Hill. Been spending most of my time with Baby & negative most of my friends. But, I just love spending all my time with that silly boyfriend of mine. Yes, just the two of us in our own world now. Much much lovessss.
The Sims3 again. Woo hoo ~
- Please help to click on the nuffnang ads.
Saturday, October 9
I spend more den 12 hours sitting in-front of the computer; Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Blogger & The Sims 3 everyday without fail. Sooner or later, I will just go blind. Saturday night & I'm staying at home due to sickness & backache. Well, still not recover from that bloody kicks & punch. Baby went fishing with Dad & Bro while I'm at home slacking away. HOW SAD LIFE CAN BE. & because of the pain I'm suffering now, I woke up after 2 hours of sleep till now. ): Feeling so restless & I think I need sleeping pills so badly. Time to visit Dr.Lee already. XD
The Sims 3 now.
Happy Birthday, Ken Tan !
Friday, October 8
Thursday, October 7
Things always don't go the way we want it to be. Life's short but still, treasure & cherish everyone around you. :)
Well, I've a fight with my bro few days back & I'm badly hurt my back as he punched & kicked me so hard that I fallen onto the floor & my mouth bleeding like hell. Till today, my back still hurt like no tomorrow & my mouth recovered pretty well. Can't really move with big action la. I'm super duper pissed off with him & I throw his laptop onto the floor & I think his laptop stepped into the coffin already. Haaa ! Everything happened in the middle of the night & I'm glad nobody rings the police because we screamed & shouted at each other very loudly. LOL ~
Next, I don't know why. WHY GOOD FRIENDS CAN LIE TO EACH OTHER? Seriously, I don't really give a damn to your life at all. I'm not angry with you for being a liar, I'm just felt upset because I know, I can no longer have trust in you. What's so good about being a liar? Honest, is what everyone asked for. I've known you for so many years but you always betray the trust yourself. How I can gain back all the trust from you? Please, tell me what to do? Behaving like a whore makes you happy or pretty? Seriously, I don't know what's in your mind & I can no longer read your mind too. Giving up on you will be the best solution. I'm sorry if I failed to be a good friend to you too. Still, admit your mistake & correct it will help you in future. God blessed you.
Lastly, I really really really miss some of my friends out there. I really do. I hope you people know who you are. BUT I DON'T KNOW WHY, I DON'T MISS THAT CRAZY WOMAN. LOL ! BECAUSE I HATE HER LIKE MAD NOW.
The Sims 3 now . Ciaoooo ~
Readers, please click on the nuffnang ads for me. Much love.
Monday, October 4
Baby bought home milk tea from KOI for me. :) Took their contact number from May & called to order so Baby don't need to queue for like hour(s). First time trying it so ordered a medium cup. Well, I don't really like pearl but KOI one is totally different. Their mini pearl tasted awesome & I'm so in love with it. So next, we're gonna order a big cup one. Woohoo ~ I love that silly boy so much. He treat me like a little princess & giving all his best in this relationship. :) I'm contended & so, I will try to stop abusing him. XD
Sunday, October 3
Last minute steamboat at Chong Pang 2 In 1 Bbq Buffer @ Turf City with Ricky & co. No pictures taken as I forgot to bring along my camera. ): Bloated & whenever I think of steamboat now, I wanna vomit & same goes to Baby & co too. LOL ~ Shopped around at Gaint & next, drove all the way down to Yishun Dam as we're all craving for Uncle's Ice Cream *Very famous Uncle at Yishun Dam* Saw beautiful LED kites flying there & we're intend to get the LED light too. Kites flying is our new hobby now. (: Headed back home aftermath.
Well, did I mention that Chicken Pox arrived in my house? Poor kid & poor mummy. ): Zann don't know what's chicken pox & she keep crying non-stop & afraid that her mummy will scold her. How silly can she be. Zann was on MC for 14 days. Shiok max. HAHA !
Eh, that female dog still barking like nobody business. I shall pity her for having a life like that. Pity her mother for giving birth to her. Because she'll never treasure herself & people around her. Complaining & barking is all she know now. Pity her boyfriend for enduring all her nonsense too. This kind of people shall just bang the wall & die. Peace ! Haaaaa ~ I'm such a bitch, so what? Since you're sooooo not happy with me den why are you keep reading my blog? Such a loser. I really really REALLY pity yooooooou .
Baby gonna buy me KOI tomorrow. :) Much lovessss.
17 more days
Saturday, October 2
Tuesday, September 28
Sunday, September 26
Saturday, September 25
Woke up very early today. Prepared, made breakfast & wait for Baby to came over to pick me up. Head down to Taman Jurong Shopping Mall to get all the snacks, drinks & baits. Back to my place to pick up Didi & here we go to Tanah Merah for fishing. :) Was raining like cats & dogs when we set off. What a rainy day lah. Totally spoil our Saturday. Tsk ! Was looking for that place high & low because Baby only went there once with his Daddy like years ago & that place changed alot. & Finallyyyyy, we found that place for fishing. :))) Arrived & its still raining loh. Prepared all the fishing rods & we start to fissssh.
Well, we catch nothing but a baby crab. Didi catch it using hand. LOL!~ Was feeling so sleepy & tired. *yawning* Fish till evening & intend to change location to Bedok Jetty but . . we're all feeling so tired & sleepy so we head back home. Unpacked everything, bathed & KO straight after that with Baby. What a tiring day but we did enjoy it very much.
Friday, September 24
Hellooo ~
我是一隻早起的小鳥. :) Woke up pretty early at 7am. Nobody's at home & I nearly die of hunger. 陈爸爸's work place for lunch with Lim. Csm dropped us at Lim's place after that. Stayed at Lim's place from afternoon till late night. Boonie & Csm came over to meet us. Planned to go fishing but raining like cats & dogs so give it a miss. ): Baby came over to pick me up. Homed rested & prepared, drove all the way down to Yishun Dam for a walk. Roti Prata for supper at Jalan Kayu & back home. Feeling sooooo sleepyyyyy & cold. I can KO anytime. :)
I don't know what to type because whenever I log into blogger, everything in my mind gone.
Whatever ! Okayyy, fishing fishing fishing tomorrow with Baby & Didi since Didi tomorrow off. :)
Yiiiiippppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! I'M A HAPPY GIRL.
Happy Birthday, Esther, Junjie & Darren !
Thursday, September 23
I always upload pictures in my blog using BUT . . . . . . .
Tinypic is no longer accepting uploads from international locations, and links are turned off. If you have content on Tinypic, you can still view the URLs and the content, but only on Tinypic. To upload, share, or link content, please go to to register an account. You will need to upload your content again to your Photobucket account, but you will be able to share and link your images and videos. We’re sorry for the inconvenience and hope that you enjoy Photobucket, our premier image and video site. Click here for more details.
Fuck My Life ! ! !
Image unavailable & my blog look fucking messy & I'm fucking lazy to re-upload all the fucking pictures again & again. FORGET IT. All pictures are in Facebook.
Edited @ 11.46pm
Si Bei Kan Na Sai Loh !
We heard from many of our users in regards to these changes and we appreciate your feedback. Tinypic has restored linking to your images and enabled uploading. Please rest assured no content was removed from the site. We tried to notify users on Tinypic and requested they move their content to Photobucket. Unfortunately this messaging was insufficient and has taken many of our users by surprise and we apologize. Our intent was to begin combining some of the best features of Tinypic and Photobucket, thereby offering users a better experience. Any changes in the future will be better communicated. Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience.
Sunday, September 19
Ice-cream Moon Cake.
Boring weekend as Baby's not in sin last night so I'm being such a good girl & stayed at home the whole day. Took bus to Jurong Point to meet up with Jesslyn for dinner & gossip session. Well, we always gossip about the same people. LOL ~ Had our dinner & waited for Bro to knock off before heading home together. Baby's back to sin after dinner time & came over to Jurong Point & pick us home. =) Bro bought the Ice-cream Mooncake & it taste awesome. I LIKE IT !
Thursday, September 16
Happy Birthday, Oxj !
Whatever I wanna say, is all written on that 'loveletter'. Hope you'll enjoy this day of yours & stay happy, always. You're just someone who can't be replaced & you know, I love you too. :) Be it good or bad times, I hope I'll be the one sharing all the joys or sadness with you. Thanks for being a nice & sweet sister of mine through out all this years. Being there whenever I'm upset & make me laugh like one big idiot too. & I just wants you to be happy. At times, I can't be there for you but always remember that I'm just a call away. 24/7 no problem for me. Hope you'll like that little present & the card (it's my first time doing a card). :) Happy sweet 20th, Oxj !
Wednesday, September 15
Tuesday, September 14
Craving for popcorn for many days, so Baby bought me to Jurong Point to get popcorn. We had our lunch at Old Town before heading up to GV to buy, but was bloated so dropped the craving of popcorn. Meet up with Max & headed down to Samsung shop to upgrade that shit phone. Waited for that shit phone to be done for nearly 2 hours. Tsk. Tired to the maxzxzxz. Home sweet home aftermath.
Happy Birthday, Pengyuan !
Saturday, September 11
Hellooo ~

Was invited to the Cable Car by Paul Terdich, the Manager of Mount Faber Leisure Group Pte Ltd. Total of eight tickets & it was my first time & got super nervous. It's a 26 mins ride & I love the view from the top lah. Beautiful & windy.
Dinner & Desserts at Sapphire @ The Jewel Box.
The foods, desserts & red wine was awesome but the drinks was kind of disappointed.
Total bill @ $450.35. Worth it.
Let's enjoy the beautiful sunset. :)
Universal Studio.
Thanks Paul for everything & we appreciated it very much. :)
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